A Zentangle© Garden

Cheyenne Botanic Gardens 710 S. Lions Park Drive, Cheyenne, Wyoming, United States

Join us as we learn to draw botanical tangles and use them to create our very own garden-inspired canvas pencil case! This class is for all levels of tangler's-beginner and … Continued


“Mixed Media Painting Workshop: Seasonal Bears”

Cheyenne Botanic Gardens 710 S. Lions Park Drive, Cheyenne, Wyoming, United States

 Inspired by Tara Pappas’ “Rooted” bear paintings, workshop participants will use mixed media painting and collage techniques to create their own “Rooted” paintings, inspired by their favorite season. This workshop … Continued


Arboretum Plant Sale 2025

High Plains Arboretum

Trees, shrubs, and fruits that have been tested in the Arboretum will be available for purchase, including some that were developed specifically for Cheyenne. The plant sale will open to … Continued